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We bring you the best services in town

PIMdesign has a proven approach to web design, content, and marketing which works.

Attracting traffic to your site is the key to your successful web presence

PIMdesign have specialised in web marketing and Search Engine Optimisation since we began trading in 1999. You can have the greatest website in the world, but if no-one visits, what's the point?

We provide and tailor our services to your needs and budget.

We can manage a targeted Goggle AdWord campaign based on your keywords and our research whilst adhering to a strict daily budget. We can also analyse your website pages and, also using the targeted keywords, rewrite those pages to make them more visible to Google and other search engines. With mobile devices now playing such a huge part in users' web-browsing habits, Google now put a high value on websites that adapt to different media such as phone and tablet – this is know as being 'responsive'. We can make your site responsive or build a new one to get you higher rankings and drive more traffic to your website.

Web Design & Build

From a simple 'static' site of a few pages to complex dynamic eCommerce sites and online back office systems, we have done it all...


Attracting traffic to your site is the key to your successful web presence. Search Engine Promotion and Natural Listings, Search Engine Adwords and Keyword Analysis...


We provide hosting on our own services housed securely in Manchester with resilience via London.

Hosting is on our Linux or Windows servers


In an ever changing Internet World, sometimes you need a specialist to guide you. That's where we come in. We'll work with you and your colleagues to either do the job or teach you how to do it so that you have the required skills.


Our PIMautoresponder provides a fully -functional opt-in mass-mailer at a competitive rates.

PIMchat allows you to talk directly to your site visitors and increase sales.


PIMstats analyses the logs on Windows-based websites to provide a full range of stats about site visitors and their habits and preferences

Contact Us for your Next Project

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