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Posts from April 2017

Social Media builds Credibility, Authority the PIM Way

social media
Many of our clients get ever so caught up with the world of social media, not really fully appreciating the complex world and art of online communication. Whatever your service or products, don't try to sell .. better to tell! Tell your readers about the service or review of the products. Tell them the good the bad and the ugly.. tell them as it is. You [...]

PIMdesign is looking for new clients who want new customers

.. I admit it .. not because we don't have any LOL .. no, because the clients we have say we offer them a professional responsive service at really affordable costs. This week we completed an IOS and Android app, completed a couple of websites, we sent out regular mailshots for our clients, continued to keep our clients SEO results on the first page and [...]

PIMdesign – Design, Hosting and Marketing

Let's be clear..  there can be nothing more dissatisfying than a website that runs slow, fails to work as expected and a service provider that doesn't answer your calls. There is a discernible difference between a cheap mass hosting provider and one like PIMdesign. PIMdesign is a small team of people that care. We are genuinely passionate about [...]

PIM – It stands for Profitable Internet Marketing

When I first got into the internet business, as an early adopter, my concern and those around me was all about how you could turn a profit from the internet and what was meant by internet marketing. It's all very well saying that you have a website, but these days high streets are feeling the pinch with prices being driven down so low that that the vendors [...]
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