social media

Social Media builds Credibility, Authority the PIM Way

Many of our clients get ever so caught up with the world of social media, not really fully appreciating the complex world and art of online communication.

Whatever your service or products, don’t try to sell .. better to tell!

Tell your readers about the service or review of the products. Tell them the good the bad and the ugly.. tell them as it is.

You see the power of social media is about credibility, authority and get your voice heard.

Friends, clients and colleagues likely trust your judgement in your field of expertise, they listen to what you have to say and make decisions based on what they here and see.

Take for instance a friend telling you that they had a fantastic meal last night at Jacks Bistro. The power of that referral, recommendation cannot be underestimated.

Likewise good businesses offering a cracking good value service are hard to come by. So when you hear about one your all ears!

PIMdesign love social media.. we love its reach, its influence, its power and the low costs and flexibility.

Our technique of writing is from the heart, inspirational, passionate and readable.

When we post articles we want the readership to share it, tell others about what they read and comment on the funny things, the controversial topics and those that inspire them.

Everyone has something to say about what they do, did, are going to do or wish they did. They have thoughts to on what they saw, didn’t see, what they hear and what others have to say.

We love to write about services and products and make a point of disseminating our articles via channels such as Twitter, LinkedIn, Google+, Facebook and our clients blogs and newsletters.

If you’d like us to do that for you too, just drop me a line and we’ll be happy to help.


PIMdesign is looking for new clients who want new customers

.. I admit it .. not because we don’t have any LOL .. no, because the clients we have say we offer them a professional responsive service at really affordable costs.

This week we completed an IOS and Android app, completed a couple of websites, we sent out regular mailshots for our clients, continued to keep our clients SEO results on the first page and manage their Adwords campaigns.

But we’d like to help and work with others.

Do you know anyone looking for a reliable host, someone that needs assistance with their website, hosting and marketing? Let me know and if we sign them up as our clients we’ll send you a Pen Rest as a thank you!

I’ll guarantee to cut this new clients current hosting fees in half for the first year with us. What’s more, we’ll sort out all the transfer and they’ll not start to pay the 50% fees until the date of their current hosts renewal date.

If you know a company or individual that needs PIMdesigns help, someone looking for a professional team that loves to work with its clients, passionate about increasing their bottom line then inbox me or send me an email.


PIMdesign – Design, Hosting and Marketing

Let’s be clear..  there can be nothing more dissatisfying than a website that runs slow, fails to work as expected and a service provider that doesn’t answer your calls.

There is a discernible difference between a cheap mass hosting provider and one like PIMdesign.

PIMdesign is a small team of people that care. We are genuinely passionate about keeping your online business running twenty four hours a day.

What’s more, is that we understand business .. not just because we run one ourselves but because we trade online every day.

When you get cheap, you get exactly what you paid for. But when you need the support and experience that’s when you undestand the importance of a professional hosting company.

All our servers are supported by a managed hosting team who are available to us 24 hours a day. They answer our calls immediately when we call and deal with any issues on the spot.

Recently a new client of ours came to us because he was fed up with his current provider.

He told us that he couldn’t contact them, that they ignored his emails constantly, the site had errors, he couldn’t make changes and all in all it was an embarrassment.

PIMdesign stepped in and suggested a plan of action. We took over the hosting of the site, sorted out all issues and then agreed a plan for a fresh new design he would be proud of.

We can help you too … why not contact us .. I can be reached on 01617661742 or by email


PIM – It stands for Profitable Internet Marketing

When I first got into the internet business, as an early adopter, my concern and those around me was all about how you could turn a profit from the internet and what was meant by internet marketing.

It’s all very well saying that you have a website, but these days high streets are feeling the pinch with prices being driven down so low that that the vendors appear to be paying you to take their goods!

So hence the name that we’ve used since 1995, Profitable internet Marketing or PIM for short.

We have a number of arms to our services here at PIM with the main one being PIMdesign. You’ll find the site here at .

We specialise in hosting, designing and marketing websites.

Hosting starts for most sites from just £100 plus VAT per annum and that includes the hosting of the site and email.

Over the coming weeks and months I’m going to share with you information about our various services, some case studies and best practice.

If you have any questions, just get in touch … we’d love to hear from you.